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The Power of Digital Advertising

Picture of Lauren Heath

Lauren Heath

Marketing Director

The power behind digital advertising is limitless. It can increase brand awareness, nurture leads, and drive a specific audience to take a specific action. Digital ads allow brands to meet an audience where they are, providing them with a clear avenue to engage. Because advertising is rooted in consistency, repetition is the key to driving significant results.

Ability to Target Specific Audiences

An effective digital advertising strategy involves targeting a specific audience. For digital ads, audience targeting is critical to the success a campaign. Audience targeting can be built around several data points. A few of the most common types of audience targeting are rooted in demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data.

Demographic audience targeting hinges on demographic data, such as age, gender, education level, income, ethnicity, marital status, and occupation. Psychographic, or interest-based, targeting identifies ad audiences based on their interests, activities, opinions, values, personality traits, or lifestyle choices. Lastly, behavioral targeting uses data on an audience’s digitally “observed” behaviors, such as websites they’ve visited, other ads they’ve clicked on, or items they’ve purchased in the past.

Because digital advertising is targeted, an audience can benefit from the brand’s offering at the exact time they need it.

Staying Top of Mind

Brands are known by their identity and reputation. But a brand can only be known if it remains in an audience’s purview. Digital ads establish a continual presence and dialogue with an audience, keeping the brand top of mind. It’s the brand’s consistent narrative that creates a listening and brand-aware audience. This is why repetition is crucial in advertising.

Traditionally speaking, it has often been said that it takes at least seven interactions with a brand before a conversion will take place. In today’s ever-changing landscape, it could be argued that the number of interactions and exposures is significantly higher. This is exactly why repetition is the key to digital advertising. The repetition of showing ads consistently to an audience will help a brand stay relevant. When it comes time to a make a purchase, a buyer is more likely to consider a brand that has remained top of mind.

Building Brand Trust

A target audience leans on the repetition of a brand’s message to build brand trust. Digital ads can be used to show the brand’s value, product offerings, and services. Each ad can be a steppingstone toward a relationship with a target audience. Digital advertising is a foundational part of reinforcing the relationship building process. When an audience trusts that a brand will deliver, the brand has succeeded at building a relationship with an audience.

The psychology behind building brand trust is powerful. When a brand maintains a presence through digital advertising, it subconsciously signals to an audience that the brand is available, reliable, and ready anytime. It’s no wonder why buyers often choose a provider that has remained top of mind.

Measurable Results & Campaign Optimization

Unlike traditional advertising methods like billboards and magazines, every interaction with a digital ad can be measured. With digital advertising a brand can measure the effectiveness of an ad by looking at several different KPIs. Common success metrics for digital ads are impressions, clicks, click-through-rate, cost per lead, and conversions.

Based on the results, an ad campaign can then be adjusted for optimal performance. The advantage of measuring ad performance helps a brand evaluate brand awareness, prospect engagement, and lead behavior. These insights can help inform budget allocation, audience segmentation, and audience development.

To learn how digital advertising can benefit your clients, simply reach out. Informa Engage is your partner in the sales journey.

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My Relationship Manager:

Brian Reinholz

VP, Program Management

Engage Strategic Advisors:

Sr. Director, Audience Data Strategy

Sr. Director, Marketing Services Development

Director, Program Management

Sr. Director, Advertising Solutions Group

My Team:

Advertising Solutions:

Team Manager:

Dennis Boiko
Senior Director, ASG

Audience Extension Managers:

Jenny Lee
Senior Director, ASG

Mary Fox
Senior Director

Campaign Analytics:

Karen B.
Senior Director, ASG

Jenny Lee
Senior Director, ASG

ASG Manager:

Cristen Matthews
Senior Director, ASG

Collin Ainsworth
Senior Director, ASG


Amy James
Director, Marketing Services Design

Webinars & Virtual Experiences:

Emily Jackson
Senior Director, ASG

Program Management:

Albra Buelow
Senior Director, ASG


Kristin Letourneau
VP, Research